
Founded in 2011 and re-launched in 2022, thecreativeverse space is dedicated to sharing practical and heart-centered perspectives and insights focused on re-igniting our inherent human creativity, empathy, leadership, brilliance and power.

Our goal: To become powerful, whole-hearted leaders, creators, human beings in this changing world.

Nothing is more important during these changing, transformative times than the most powerful, whole-hearted expression of the real US/YOU/ME!

About the Author – Carmen:

Carmen is an Army veteran, writer, speaker, aspiring entrepreneur/investor, life-long learner and knowledge-seeker.

With 21 years of career experience in the U.S Army working in the United States and overseas, Carmen is professionally skilled in a number of areas with primary expertise in financial management, leadership, communications, strategy, project management and change management.

She is passionate about fulfilling her highest, most creative potential and supporting others in fulfilling theirs.

My personal journey – finding the creative spark – again:

As a youngster, I loved using my imagination. Inspired by a world I saw as full of magic, and mystery, creativity and adventure, the blank page, the blank canvas was exciting to me. I was an avid reader and loved magical, creative stories like James and the Giant Peach, Ramona Quimby and so many others. Like most kids, I loved exploring my creativity through play, art, music, sports, laughter, nature. Back then I looked at the world as full of opportunities and I couldn’t wait to grow up – the many adventures I would have!

But as it happens for many of us, somewhere along the way, I lost that creative spark. The older I got, the more cold, jaded and detached from life I became. At some point, I disconnected completely from my creative, imaginative side and instead, focused solely on my logical, analytical side at the expense of my creative passions. In essence, I lost the connection with my heart, my inspiration and my joy and along with that, tremendous opportunities to grow and thrive.

I now know this disconnection was driven in part by my defense mechanisms from years of unhealed traumas experienced in early childhood, life and combat tours and by my neglect of those things that fueled my heart and soul. I became so completely disconnected from myself, that the colorful, exciting world I couldn’t wait to experience, turned heartless and dark, and my inner warmth and joy near extinguished itself.

Rebirth, Healing and Moving Forward

Still, even as I experienced the darkest days, I held out hope that someday, I would find my way back to who I knew was, which I’m deeply grateful I did.

The creativeverse space is dedicated to the journey towards rebirth, re-connection, the lessons learned and tools used along the way, and the path forward towards healing, self-mastery, community and heart-centered presence and leadership. And also dedicated to the knowledge that as we heal ourselves within and freely and fully express our true, authentic selves, we become more powerful human beings, able to create and live fully the life we’ve always wanted.

Now more than ever, our world needs us to lead as our wholehearted selves and that includes reconnecting with our heart and creativity. Our superpowers lie both in the power of our creativity and the power of our mind which together, fuel our ability to develop and rediscover new ways of being, of thinking, new worlds, new stories, new technologies, new communities – a new creative universe if you will!

We are in the midst of what I call Earth 2.0 – the grand transition and transformation of our civilization this century. If we hope to thrive during these chaotic, challenging but also wondrously transformative times, we must reconnect with all of our superpowers, especially the creative, heart-based superpowers that lie within us all – you and me both!

If you’re being called as I am, to show-up, as the powerful, creative leader you are, then you’re in the right place. Thank you for joining us as we continue to grow and evolve. Welcome!

~ Carmen